The an-ti-ci-pa-ti-one is k i l l i n g me (in a totally figurative manner-I'm not really dying).

Only SCHWANTY-SCHEVEN more dayz untills the Germanchick arrives in Tally-ho! I can wait, but don't really want to. See the city 'Stuttgart' in the bottom-left state on the handy-dandy map? That's where she's a-comin' from. Hyphen-hyphen.
Secondarilly, school is fast approaching. I am almost done with my Master's degree now. Not sure what I will be a master of, but that can be sorted out at a later time.
1 Responses:
So does Valerie, being from the Southern part of Germany, say her "ch" (like in 'ich') as [ish] or [ihh]?
8/07/2006 10:33 PM
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