30 March 2007

The home stretch.

Well, here is the current news of the Doo.

My masters degree recital is Sunday, April 1! I am playing works by J.S. Bach, Henk Badings, Alfred Desenclos, Brian Elias, Werner Wolf Glaser, and William Grant Still. It is a long program to be sure, but it is well balanced and should provide a fitting representation of my time here in Tallahassee.

I am actually starting to feel small pangs of sadness concerning my eventual move out of town. I am getting nostalgic about all the things I have done here as well as feeling regret for not doing many of the things I wanted to do here or not seeing some of the sights I intended to see here. I know there is still some time left before I go, but school is so overwhelming right now that I can't stop to smell the roses just yet.

I just had another German exam. What a stinker!! Sometimes this language really throws me for a loop. Sometimes it makes perfect sense. More of the latter is preferred!

I miss my sweetie so much right now!!! I wish we did not have to be apart any longer. I cannot believe we have done so well this past year. It has been well worth the effort.

Allergies are a bitch here right now! Pollen is the devil's seed. I am so stuffed up and miserable. Why does this have to happen right before my recital?! Ironic bastards. I never had allergies before I moved to this pile of shit place. Every spring has been worse than the last. I wish you all could see it here. It looks like everything is covered in yellow-green 'snow'. I have had to hose my car twice in a week just to see out of my windows!! Have of the shit is stuck up my nose.

It's getting hot here now. I wish I had the time to go running and lifting weights at the gym, but like I said previously, the time I do not have. The warm air always makes me want to be more active but it is the time of the semester when all of the shit hits the freaking fan!!

Amo, if you still check this blog out, I would like to say sorry for not calling you for your B-day! I was in Deutschland and totally spaced it out. Hope you had a good one!

Ta ta for now - The Doo

3 Responses:

Blogger Groove Salad said...

I am sad that I cannot be there at your recital! I'm sure it will be awesome! Make sure the fam gets a cd/dvd to bring home - or get mailed home.

I can't wait until the fun time ahead this May!

:oP Kthxbye!

4/01/2007 6:36 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Don't worry about it. I think that makes us even now. So when are you coming home? Or are you going stright to Germany from Florida?


4/04/2007 2:39 AM

Blogger DooDooDoo70s said...

I'll be in Phoenix for an indeterminate amount of time this summer before I move to Deutchland.yb

4/04/2007 6:44 AM


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