Well well well...
...my life is finally going along in full swing. Since moving to Germany at the beginning of August I have used the past weeks to become somewhat acclimated to everything. Now I have begun my two jobs and everything is starting to run more smoothly.
I live in Hannover, which lies towards the upper middle of the country. One of my jobs is teaching saxophone and clarinet lessons at a music store/school called Musicus. It is in Wolfsburg, the home of VW automobiles. My other job is also teaching saxophone lessons, but I have to travel to Tübingen, which lies nearer to the southern end of the country. I get to ride the train for FIVE hours there and FIVE hours back every monday/tuesday! But hey, it's a music job...
This weekend is my first rehearsal with the Tübinger Saxophon-Ensemble. This saxophone orchestra is the organization from which I teach in Tübingen. I am excited to rehearse with other musicians again!
Okay then, it is a short update, but at least it's something.
2 Responses:
Holy carhorns Batman! You are in Germany! Crazy!!! So, will I see you at the reunion next year? I had a baby! You should look me up on myspace so we can chat, although I am sure you have probably written a lovely blog about how myspace is crap. Anyway, congrats on graduating. Glad you are doing well!!!!!
9/18/2007 9:33 PM
FIVE HOURS?! I didn't know it took that long! OMG! Read a lot of books? Take a lot of naps? Listen to a lot of music? People-watch?
10/17/2007 5:16 AM
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