That describes it exactly. Exhausted. I have no more haust left in me. Let me tell you all how my last few days have gone.
Friday I put in over eight hours at my job and then performed a three hour opera. Saturday I put in eight hours at my job and then performed a three hour opera. Today I put in yet another three hour opera performance after experiencing the phenomena of losing an hour due to Daylight Savings Time. I then foolishly decided to go on a two hour bike ride through the woods. Sheesh!!! Thankfully the opera is now over so this madness should be at its end.
I never realized how much losing an hour of time can matter. It threw off my body's internal clock and I have had a headache all day. Living originally in Arizona the concept of DST is still new to me.
I would like to take this opportunity to give a shout out to my dog Meesha out in AZ. Today is her 11th birthday! May it be a day of endless doggy treats and behind-the-ear scratches.

1 Responses:
Oh, that Meet Beet.
4/08/2005 5:05 AM
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