In this latest edition of "DooDooDoo70s at the Movies"...
...I will be giving you all the scoop on the movies I have viewed recently. Now that school is out I have had more free time and all of those free movie passes from AMC theatres have been burning a hole in my pocket. In the last three days I have seen FOUR movies! Four good movies, at that.

Because I was already familiar with this book and have watched the BBC movie version of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, I had a strong interest to see this version. I was not disappointed. Obviously, the visual effects are top notch. However, this take on the story is very entertaining and funny. The movie utilizes a 21st century spin on the delivery of the dialogue and the actors are all popular to today's modern interests, but the classic humor is present and accounted for, for sure.

Kung Fu Hustle simply kicked ass! Very original concept and design by a young actor/director. The movie is intertwined with pieces of drama, action, and romance. Parts of the film are drop-dead funny, while other scenes are poetic in their visual exactitude and grace of execution. Cult-classic status is a certainty.

Ok, I've gotta say it even though it is obvious: Nicole Kidman is HOT! Besides that, this film is also of very high quality. The story is complex, but not overly so. Sean Penn delivers a fantastic performance and the interrplay between him and Kidman keeps you rivited to the screen. It's a dramatic mystery "what's going on?" kind of film that doesn't follow the formula used by these types of films.

Sahara is more than your everyday action-adventure movie. There are a surprising number of plot points thrown together but they all seem to flow coherently. The film takes you through many twists and turns and the action scenes for the most part are plausible. The repore between McConaughey, Cruz, and Zahn is wildly entertaining and quite clever at times.
Well, there you have it. Four great movies for their own different reasons. Give them all a try, says the DooDoo. As for what else I have been up to, there's not much to tell. I have been catching up on long-overdue hours at the ol' job as well as keeping up with the sax. I suppose that's it for now - cheers.
2 Responses:
I LOVED the HitchHiker's funny! All I did was sing "thanks for all the fish" for days. Go figure. Hope you are doing well, Mr. Doodoo. Give me a call sometime, if you feel up to it. Take care of yourself...I miss you,my friend.
5/09/2005 12:51 AM
Hitchhiker's was supoib! "I think I have an idea!" *smack*
I, too, agree to laughing about the dolphins. It's probably true, and they do deserve the fishies.
Haven't seen the other three; what, do you think I'm rich or something?!
The Interpreter?? Haven't heard anything about it.
Sahara Yaaaaay, adventure land! I mean sand! Honestly, who likes to run in sand? *blank stare* Although, Steve Zahn is hilarious.
Aaaaand, yeah.
5/11/2005 5:09 AM
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