26 February 2005

A touch of grace is thus bestowed upon me.

Great news everybody! (Everybody? I wonder how many make up my everybody?)(...?!) I auditioned for the opera part and WON!!! Yay! Mr. Meighan told me that he believes that this is the first time that the FSU opera department has requested a saxophonist in all his 25 years teaching here and I got it. Pretty freakin swell, huh? It will definitely look good on my resume. The rehearsals are long and frequent, but it should be a great experience. I haven't done something like this since I played in my high school's pit orchestra.

On the flipside, work is pissing me off more than I can stand. I don't think I'll relate it to you because it will serve only to keep me boiling longer.

25 February 2005

There's no thrill like Discovery!

I am obsessed with the Discovery Channel. It's the first channel I turn to and usually the last channel I visit each day. I can't get enough of shows like Monster Garage/House/Nation, Mythbusters, It Takes A Thief, American Chopper/Hot Rod, Biker Build-Off, etc. Right now I am viewing a show called Pompeii: The Last Day. It is a half truth, half fiction account of the day in A.D. 79 that Mt. Vesuvius erupted and royally fucked up the Roman city of Pompeii. I cannot imagine how horrible it must have been as the people were burned alive by ash and choked to death on dust and cinders. What is so cool about this program is how the writers have created an account of specific people's last hours of life and wrote them in such a way as to follow their movements and actions to their final resting places within the city as evident by casts of their bodies made by the hot ash that still survive to this day.

Anyway, not much going on with me this week. It's been pretty uneventful. I do, however, have an audition today(Fri.) for a chance to play in our Opera Orchestra. FSU is presenting Werther, composed by Massenet. There is one alto sax part and I would love to have it. We saxophonists rarely get a chance these days to perform with an orchestra.

It is hard to believe that Spring Break is one week away! Well, MY Spring Break, anyway. FSU's is one week ahead of the University of Arizona, where my sister is studying Architecture and two weeks ahead of NAU, where I went to school. I've never been much of a crazy party person, so like every year I have no plans for break. Therefore I am going home to Arizona. I know I was just there in December but soon when I am graduated and my career plans are underway I may not have many chances to visit my family.

The latest Strong Bad email is pretty funny. Strong Bad, you ask? Enjoy!

20 February 2005

Come one, come all to a pity party honoring the DooDoo.

M had a birthday party. She was lit. She was having a blast. She vomited in the bathroom. She passed out.

Man, have I been there plenty o' times! I feel bad that she got sick but there was no stopping her tonight. I arrived at the bar where she was having her get-together pretty late in the evening, so I did not choose to contribute to her alcohol intake. Believe me, I was the only one there who didn't. It's just no fun when the eveinig goes sour, ya know?

I found out that M is for sure dating someone else at present time. I therefore invite you, the reader, to my aforementioned pity party. There were several guys there at the bar that were not happy to hear the news either. She's one of those girls who are able to draw guys in despite the fact that she is not one of those blond-headed-bimbo-sluts that populate this great city of Tallahassee.

Being out at the bar surrounded by couples and soon-to-be couples was depressing. I don't know how to meet women at bars nor do I really understand the appeal. Yeah, you might get some ass if you are lucky, but it seems so fake and is too much work anyway. Everyone out there has an agenda---GET LAID! I just want to meet someone nice and whom I have a kinship and connection with. I did, however, have the opportunity to meet some more of my fellow music majors whom I had only up to this point smiled at in passing. There is usually some good that goes along side bad things. Every chick in our party was dating one of the guys who were there! That is no way to have a party! We single guys were shit out of luck tonight.

Every girl I am interested in has a boyfriend. Bad luck have I, says my trusty parrot Bobo who sits atop my right shoulder. Well, at least this emotional pain I am enduring will fuel my creative abilities tomorrow during the Wind Orchestra concert I am a part of. I am playing a piece of music that features our graduate saxophone quartet and I need all the emotions I have available to pull this one off!

Well, I guess that's all for now. My bladder is saturated with Blue Moon hefeweisen and it's telling me to go pee. After that it's off to bed and the land of nod. Oh, and uh, send any pity party gifts care of DooDooDoo70s: 69 W. Loser Street, Mopeville, FL 12345.

("1,2,3,4,5?! My God, that's the same combination I have on my luggage!")

17 February 2005


XBox Live kicks ass.

14 February 2005

I have a proposal to make in regards to Valentine's Day.


It is officially another Valentine's Day and I am officially fucking single. Hey, that sentence has a double meaning! Clever, ever clever am I. Do we really need this holiday? For us single people it is a prominent reminder of our utter failure in the dating scene. For those of you who are lucky enough to have that special someone Valentine's Day is another stab at the wallet. Who wins, really? Do we need one day in the year to profess our love to each other? I thought that's what EVERY DAY is for! I suppose the only people who really need this holiday are guys who have done wrong by their girlfriend/fiance/spouse and fucked things up and are needing a special day to try to make up for their stupidity. To them I say piss off 'cause I am still pushing to eliminate this crapfest of a holiday. (note: holiday= 'holy day'[?] ) I will be taking the matter to Congress shortly.

And in an unrelated topic,
check out these two crazy characters.
These guys should give all of you out there a little more insight into the character of the DooDooDoo70s.

03 February 2005

Light at the end of the tunnel...or how to get over feeling sorry for oneself.

It's so easy to get depressed when you fail to grasp the whole situation. I had been feeling so lonely and helpless lately until this week when my former saxophone professor Jonathan and the Ara saxophone quartet showed up in Tallahassee. They will be performing a piece with our Wind Orchestra this friday. I have gotten the opportunity to go out at night and socalize with these people and it has been great for my morale. Sometimes the simple solution is the best one. I have stopped hanging out with people outside of school and it has paralyzed my mind. All work and no play make DooDoo a dull boy! It has been refreshing to talk with Jonathan again. Jonathan, Anabelle and I have been reminiscing about the good ol' days at NAU and I've been laughing my ass off. The only downside of spending nights out is dealing with sleep deprivation. But, it is the price you have to pay if you are going to have fun!